Monday, October 7, 2013

Some migrants today at LaSalle Park

I just spent 40 minutes in LaSalle Park in Metairie, where there were some migrants.  I was there at 11:00 am.

Walking through the wooded glade (open understory area) on the paved path, I heard a few chickadees.  When I swished them in, a Red-eyed Vireo and a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher came down with them.  A probable Hooded Warbler ticked in the adjacent understory.

A fit farther down the paved path, where the sliver of woods on the right ends, there was a busy patch of ragweed.  Six Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (streaky fall birds), four Summer Tanagers (all ochre-yellow female types), two Indigo Buntings (fall brown plumage) and two brown-plumaged Blue Grosbeaks.  A Nashville Warbler joined them in an adjacent oak.

Circling back via the boardwalk in the woods, there were no migrants until I reached the drip, which was being inspected by a female-type (green) Painted Bunting and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

A bit farther along, a thicket near ground level held a skulking female-type Common Yellowthroat.

At the other end of the boardwalk, where it rejoins the paved trail, was another pulse of birds.  White-eyed Vireo, Eastern-Wood Pewee, male (red) Summer Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and two Indigos.  All with chickadees.

Keep your eyes open!


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