Thursday, December 12, 2013

Peregrine and Bald Eagle in New Orleans

Yesterday I saw a Peregrine at a traditional spot, atop the Holy Name church tower at Loyola University. The bird, an adult with dark gray upperparts, could be seen with the naked eye- silhouetted as it sat on the center of the top edge, on the tower's east side.  230 pm.  It stretched its wings and promptly made a brief foray out to the northeast for no apparent reason, returning immediately to within a few feet of where it had been.

At UNO, I was amazed to see an adult Bald Eagle sitting on the very top of the engineering building- my first perched on campus in 22 years.  It was atop one of the transmitter-like structures on the roof.

A few minutes later there was a Blue-headed Vireo in a shade tree on the southwest corner of the Children's Center- not an easy bird to find wintering in park-like environments.

Good birding,


For a copy of Birding Made Easy-New Orleans, email me at, or look for it at area book stores.  It is now available at
Uptown:  Garden District Book Shop, Maple Street Book Shop, Octavia Books
French Quarter and Marigny:  Peach Records, Fauborg Marigny Art Books Music, Librairie Book Shop, Beckham's Bookshop, Arcadian Books and Prints, the Crabnet
Mid City:  City Park Botanical Garden, Community Book Center
North Shore:  Mandeville Chiropractic

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